Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in CHEMICAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

A necessary knowledge to tackle Part A is the ability in reasoning through models and analogies, and in recognizing, within a complex set of cases and phenomenologies, the fundamental trends, by analysing and simplifying the problems in a critical manner. A good preparation in chemistry, physics and mathematics (at the secondary school level), a high curiosity and the availability of a personal deepening of the different subjects will act as a firm and solid starting point, and an undisputable advantage for understanding most topics.

Knowledge of the fundamentals of Mathematics (e.g. first and second degree equations, integrals, exponentials, logarithms, first and second derivatives, …) and Physics (e.g. vectors, force, pressure, speed, potential and kinetic energy, …), is a fundamental prerequisite to tackle the topics of Part B.

Final Examination: 

Overall, the students will be evaluated in three different moments:

1. A written examination, with attribution of a mark expressed in thirties, on all the exercise typologies proposed during the first semester lessons of Part B. The students can take this examination starting from the end of the first semester. For the examination to be considered successful, the candidates must achieve a mark of at least 18 out of 30.

2. An oral interview, with attribution of a mark expressed in thirties, to verify the knowledge on all the topics taught in Part A and on the theoretical topics taught in the first semester lessons of Part B. Only students having passed the written examination of point 1 can access the oral interview. For the latter to be considered successful, the candidates must achieve a mark of at least 18 out of 30.

3. A written examination, with attribution of a mark expressed in thirties, on all the topics addressed in the second semester lessons of Part B. The students can take this examination starting from the end of the second semester. For the examination to be considered successful, the candidates must achieve a mark of at least 18 out of 30.

The final mark is the average of the three partial marks, weighted over the pertinent university credits.

Voto Finale

Part A aims to present to the first-year students the foundations of General Chemistry, starting from the definition of atomic and molecular structure, up to the discussion of simple and more complex theories and models of chemical bonding. Intermolecular interactions will then be used to rationalize the stability and reactivity trends of ions, molecules and condensed systems, such as liquids and solids. A special focus will be given to energetic aspects (thermodynamics and kinetics), experimental laws and interpretative models of equilibria of different types.

First semester front lectures of Part B aims at integrating the topics presented in Part A with a number of basic, theoretical and practical aspects of General Chemistry. Second semester front lectures of Part B aims at providing the students with a systematic knowledge of the synthesis, properties and main compounds of the so-called group s and p elements.

As an outcome of the first semester lessons, students are expected to dominate the topics of General Chemistry and fruitfully use them as a basis to tackle the topics of following courses. As an outcome of the second semester lessons of Part B, students are expected to be able to rationalize the chemical behaviour of the main group elements and of their principal compounds.

Some of the topics of Parts A and B will find application during the practical exercitations in the lab, the aim of which is allowing the students get familiar with the most common glassware and protocols (preparation of solutions, filtration of precipitates, …). As such, Part B practical exercitations will allow the students test their comprehension skills and are preparatory for the practical sections proposed in following courses. Moreover, writing a report at the end of the exercitations should aid the students rationalizing the results obtained and improving their communication skills.

The topics presented in Part A (72 hours) are present in what is normally included in many University-level textbooks of General Chemistry dedicated to Chemistry students. Therefore, only the main topics illustrated in the classroom are briefly listed hereafter.
Atoms and quantum models: from first theories to the contemporary model. Periodic properties. The chemical bond (covalent, ionic, metallic). Shape and size of molecules. Intermolecular forces. Gases, liquids and solids. Phase transition diagrams. Thermodynamics (enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy) and the chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetics. Introduction to radioactivity and nuclear chemistry. Electrochemistry. Oxidation states, redox reactions, Nernst and Faraday laws. Galvanic cells and electrolysis.

The main topics of Part B can be subdivided into three portions, as follows:
First portion, first semester:
1. Definition of mole; relation between mass and mole. Atomic and formula weight. Empirical and molecular formula. Chemical reaction balancing. Chemical reaction stoichiometry. Limiting agent. Reaction yield.
2. Solutions: ways of expressing concentration. Dilution. Stoichiometry of not reactive and reactive solutions. Ideal solutions.
3. Physical states of matter: the gas phase. Boyle’s, Charles’s, Gay-Lussac’s laws. Avogadro’s law. Ideal gas law. Real gas law. Gas mixtures: Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws. Kinetic theory of gases.
4. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions. The ionic product for water. Acids and bases: definitions by Arrhenius, Broensted and Lowry, Lewis. Acid-base equilibria. Acid and base ionization constants. The pH scale. pH of aqueous solutions of strong acids, strong bases, weak acids, weak bases. Titrations and titration curves. Titration indicators. Acid and basic hydrolysis. Dissociation degree. Buffer solutions.
5. Solubility equilibria in aqueous solutions. Solubility and solubility product. Soluble and insoluble salts. The so-called common ion effect. The effect of pH on the solubility of salts in aqueous solutions. Selective precipitation. Complex ions formation and solubility in aqueous solutions.
Second portion, second semester:
1. Hydrogen: synthesis, properties, main compounds
2. Group I elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
3. Group II elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
4. Group XIII elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
5. Group XIV elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
6. Group XV elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
7. Group XVI elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
8. Group XVII elements: synthesis, properties, main compounds
Third part, first or second semester: practical exercitations in the lab.

Module A is not directly linked to a single specific textbook, even if a large portion of the slides presented in the classroom will be organized following: Peter William Atkins, Loretta Jones, Chemical Principles, 5th Ed. W.H.Freeman and Co., NY, 2010. Several university-level General Chemistry textbooks will be however presented (English or Italian versions), as alternative choices for the students.

To tackle the topics of Part B, the students are not required to adopt a specific textbook. The professor will provide them a not exhaustive list of textbooks, in Italian and English, among which they can choose the most appropriate one for their preparation. The list of textbooks is not reported here as it may change year by year, as a function of the publication of brand new editions.

Teaching of Module A will be done in the classroom only, during the first semester

The two professors are available to meet the students any day, preferably by appointment. Their offices are located on the third floor of the building in via Valleggio 9, Como.
