Marketing of tourism businesses

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Sant'Abbondio
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

It is suggested but not compulsory to attend the course of Economics and business administration in the 2nd year.

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of a written test and an optional oral exam. The written test is composed of a first part multiple choices and a second part composed of two open-ended questions.

Voto Finale

The course deals with the relationship existing between the companies and the market from the strategic and the tactical point of view. In particular, the course presents the marketing approaches in the tourism sector.
General marketing concepts, with particular reference to the various tourism businesses, are discussed following a theoretical and practical approach.
The expected learning outcomes include:
- Knowledge and understanding: the ability to make proper use of the terminology and of the concepts learned during the course;
- Applying knowledge and understanding: the ability to apply theoretical concepts acquired during the course to the various tourism sectors through the analysis of case studies and through lectures of tourism managers.
- Communication skills: ability to interact during the lectures and the project works in order to develop problem solving skills and discuss the results achieved.

Main subjects will be:
• Definition and evolution of the marketing concept;
• Marketing strategies and planning;
• Segmentation and target marketing;
• Customer value and satisfaction;
• Marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion);
• Tourism services marketing;
• Internet marketing and social media marketing (not for students that opt for the version 35 hours 6 credits).

1. KOTLER P., BOWEN J., MAKENS J., Marketing del turismo, (Italian edition Mauri A.G.), Pearson, Milano 2010 (2018 edition if available).
2. MAURI A.G., Le imprese alberghiere. Strategie e marketing, McGraw-Hill, Milano 2011.
3. MINAZZI R., Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality, Springer, Switzerland 2015.
The book n. 3 is optional for students that choose the course of 35 hours (6 credits).

The indications on how to use the texts will be provided at the beginning of the course.

The slides of the lectures are part of the course program and will be available on the E-learning platform after the beginning of the course

The course is in the second semester. Theoretical lectures, case studies, lectures of tourism managers on specific parts of the program.

Office hours
During the first semester on appointment by writing to In the second semester after the lectures according to the academic schedule.
