Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

As classes are fully taught in English, students will be expected to have a general
English oral and written proficiency equivalent to the Council of Europe's
Threshold Level (B1). Students who do not meet the English language
requirement are to complete specific computer-based language training and a
self-study language programme at the University Language Lab.

Students will be assessed via a 90-minute written examination paper and a spoken examination. Students need to demonstrate their understanding and use of the specialised language and terminology used in the travel and tourism industry. Monolingual dictionaries are allowed for the Writing Section only. Students must pass the written examination to access the spoken examination. Written exam marks will be valid for 1 year.

 Reading comprehension: based on business and tourism texts together with extracts of information taken from a variety of published authentic guides, promotional materials, manuals, maps, plans and graphical data. Students will need to be familiar with the specialist vocabulary, terminology and abbreviations of travel and tourism
 Listening comprehension: requires students to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials, such as news programmes, presentations and everyday conversations about travel and tourism.
 Writing: students could be asked to write promotional material for a leaflet or brochure, a tour commentary or a travel itinerary supported by advice and recommendations. Alternatively, they could be asked to write an e-mail of confirmation to a client, detailing complex travel arrangements.
 Functional/professional language: tests your use of English with tasks that show how well you can control your grammar and vocabulary in a business-specific context.
 Culture: answer questions about the history, geography, culture and civics of the UK.

Students holding a B2 certificate issued by MIUR accredited institutions may access directly to the spoken examination or submit a recognition request to the Segreteria Studenti. (The updated list of MIUR Accredited Test Centres is available at://hubmiur.pubblica.istruzione.it/web/istruzione/dg-personale-scolastico/enti-certificatori-lingue-straniere). The certificate is to be submitted to the course lecturer during the academic year or before taking the examinations.
Students will be assessed via a 15-minute (approx.) spoken examination in English, which consists of three parts: a general knowledge test, a topic discussion and a role-play. All parts carry equal mark weighting and students are assessed on their performance according to the following four assessment criteria: fluency, lexis (vocabulary), grammar and pronunciation.

Part 1

Students will act out a dialogue after being assigned a role among the following:

 travel clerks and travel consultants in travel agencies
 travel and tourism information officers in tourist information centres
 reception/front of house staff
 conference and event organisers in conference centres and in hotels
 tour operator’s representatives at holiday resorts, tour guides on coach tours and on tourist sites
Part 2
Students are required to report on and discuss specialist articles about the following topics:
1 Tourist and travel
2 Holiday and accommodation types
3 Leisure and business travellers and tourists
4 Methods of travel
5 Job roles in the travel and tourism industries
6 The specialist language of the tourism industry

Materials will be made available on the e-learning platform http://elearning.uninsubria.it/ in the relevant course section.

Voto Finale

Effective and successful communication is paramount in the global Tourism and Hospitality industry where professionals are required to use written and spoken English fluently and proficiently on a daily basis. The course of Advanced English for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality focuses primarily on functional language and
specialist vocabulary and is designed to enable students to:

• enhance their overall English communication skills
• develop professional skills for working in the tourism and hospitality industry
such as dealing with enquiries, marketing destinations, offering advice,
negotiating, writing emails and speaking to groups
• develop language awareness through an integrated grammar and skills
• acquire the specialized vocabulary needed by tourism professionals
• practise language skills in realistic situational practice and role-plays
• consolidate cross-cultural knowledge and skills.

The coursebook provides a wide range of speaking, listening, writing and reading
activities developed around topics related to the travel industry. A range of
British, American and other international native and non-native speakers are
featured, helping students understand how people speak English in different
parts of the world.
Lessons are based on topics such as:
§ Types of accommodation
§ Weather and climate
§ Geographical features and attractions
§ Facilities and services
§ Trends in tourism
§ Social media
§ Hotel branding
§ Sustainability
§ Air travel
§ Heritage
§ Event management
§ Careers
§ Gastronomy
§ Crisis management
and professional skills such as:
§ Describing locations and attractions
§ Developing a destination
§ Designing tours
§ Dealing with the public
§ Handling complaints
§ Offering advice
§ Dealing with figures
§ Making presentations
§ Handling telephone calls

Coursebook (compulsory)
Strutt, P., 2013. English for International Tourism (New Edition),
Intermediate Coursebook, Harlow: Pearson Longman ISBN 978-
Information materials to prepare for the general cultural knowledge oral test
will be made available on the e-learning platform at
https://elearning.uninsubria.it/ in the relevant course section.
Workbooks (optional)
Cowper, A., 2013. English for International Tourism (New Edition),
Intermediate Workbook with key, Harlow: Pearson Longman ISBN 978-
Wyatt, R., 2007. Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and
Tourism (Second Edition), Vocabulary Workbook, London: A & C Black 978-
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Eighth Edition), Oxford University
Press ISBN 978-0194799027 (Paperback with CD-ROM)
Longman Essential Activator (New Edition), Pearson Longman ISBN 978
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Longman ISBN 978-
Grande Dizionario Hazon di Inglese-Italiano, Garzanti ISBN 978-8848003506
(Paperback + CD-ROM + 2-year online license)
Grande Dizionario Hazon di Inglese-Italiano, Garzanti (digital version
available for iPhone and iPad on iTunes)SPECIALIZED DICTIONARIES
Bateman, H., 2005. Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism (Third Edition),
London: A & C Black ISBN 978-0713685459
Beaver, A., 2005. A dictionary of travel and tourism terminology (Second
Edition), Wallingford; Cambridge: CABI Publishing ISBN 0851990207
Medlik, S., 2003. Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality (Third edition),
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann ISBN 0750656506
Bait, M., Vergallo, L., 2010. Tourism dictionary. English-Italian, Italian-
English, Milano: Modern Publishing House ISBN 978-8849305548
Further authentic written and audiovisual material will be made available on the
e-learning platform http://elearning.uninsubria.it/ in the relevant course


Students will be engaged in a number of speaking, listening, writing, reading
and translation activities. Pairwork and groupwork tasks will be designed to
provide opportunities to communicate in realistic and motivating tourism-related
contexts and involve students in role-plays and discussions about topical issues
in the tourism industry.
Regular attendance to classes is highly recommended.

Office hours
Please arrange an appointment by e-mail at eliane.nortey@uninsubria.it.

Lesson timetable
Lesson timetable available at Collegamento ipertestuale alla pagina degli orari e sedi del CdS

Examination dates
Examination dates available at Collegamento ipertestuale alla bacheca appelli
