German language Advanced 2 and Translation

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (55 hours), Exercise (120 hours)

Excellent written and oral communication skills in German (CEFR: level C1.1) as well as native-level oral and written Italian skills required.
Since students will attend an intensive course, high motivation, commitment to learning and positive attitudes are necessary to achieve the set goals.

In order to attend "Lingua tedesca avanzato 2 e traduzione" students are required to have passed the exam "Lingua tedesca avanzato 1 e traduzione".

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of a written and an oral test. In order to make the oral test students are required to have passed the written test.

The written test is divided in five parts: reading comprehension, oral comprehension (listening), use of German, writing and translation (German-Italian and Italian-German).
The oral test in German is divided in two parts: a monologue, in which the student will present a specific topic, giving at the end his/her own opinion, and a dialogue with the proofer to show his/her interactive skills in the foreign language.

The final mark of the exam is derived by calculating the mean of marks of the written test and of the oral test.

Students will get more information about the exam at the beginning of the course

Voto Finale

The course aims to improve students’ written and oral communication skills and deepen their understanding of the German-speaking culture. The learning path will help students reach the level C1.2 (CEFR). According to the chosen curriculum, students will focus their attention on the specialized translation in the legal/commercial field or in the journalistic one, which requires a developed intercultural competence.

The course will develop speaking, reading, listening and writing in a practical, (inter)cultural context. The syllabus covers all the components of discourse competence listed in the CEFR. In the so-called “laboratori” students will develop their translation competence and expertise alongside their linguistic competence. In the curriculum “Traduzione giuridica ed economica” students will train and improve their translation skills. They will translate in both directions specialized texts regarding economic and legal issues. In the curriculum “Mediazione linguistica, culturale e giuridica” students will explore fundamental questions of the German-speaking world and society through the analysis and translation of journalistic texts.

Detailed information will be given at the beginning of the course.

In the classroom students will be involved in practical activities, with the aim of developing all the five language skills. Authentic materials will be used during the lessons to enrich learners’ use of German and to consolidate their knowledge of different styles, registers and ways of structuring language. The methodology of the “laboratori” as well is based on learning by doing, following a path of increasing complexity of the texts that students have to understand and translate.

Students who cannot attend lessons on a regular basis are required to prepare additional work for the oral test. Please contact the teacher.
