Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

The knowledge of a programming language and of basic data structures is highly recommended.

Final Examination: 

Written test and oral exam. The written test (two hours) consists of 6 questions related to the topics of the course (5 points are available for each question). With a positive result (the sum is in the range [18-30]) a student may either register the vote or access to the oral exam which is organized in two phases:
1) A discussion on the written test (the student may explain in details its answers so that the teacher can possibly reconsider the vote);
2) An in-depth analysis of some topics of the course.
The final vote is the average ot the two votes (written test and oral examination)

Voto Finale

The course provides the basics of procedural and object oriented programming. These two paradigms are presented through concrete examples inspired to C and C++, the two languages that will be learned. The main goal is the knowledge of the inner mechanisms of language implementation.
The student will learn to develop programs in C and C++ by effectively exploiting the characteristics of the languages.
The operational semantics of C and C++ allows the student to proceed to an in-depth analysis of other programming languages as well as to enrich the technical expertise autonomously. Problem-solving by a procedural or an object-oriented approach is also a goal to achieve.

Lectures deal with the following topics:

1) Procedural programming (4h)
2) The C language: basics (8h)
3) The C language: advanced features (12h)
4) Object oriented programming: basic definitions and notions (6h)
5) The C++ language: basics (6h)
6) The C++ language: advanced features (single and multiple inheritance, visibility, polymorphism, subtyping) (10h)
7) The STL library (2h)

In addition to slides and lecture notes (provided through the e-learning system), the reference books are:

1) Brian W. Kernighan - Dennis M. Ritchie ,The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall software series, (2nd ed.)
2) Al Kelley - Ira Pohl, A Book on C, Addison-Wesley (4th ed.)
3) Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition), A&W Pearson education

Lectures (48 hours). Each lecture presents both theoretical and implementation issues.

The teacher is available for explanations upon appointment (to be fixed via e-mail or at the end of the lecture).