Communication and European integration
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
A basic understading of contemporary history.
The exame will consist of an oral exam to determinate if the students have acquired and properly understood the course content.
The final mark will reflect the accuracy and qaulity of the answers (70%) as weel as the student's communicative abilities and capacity to adequately support his or her statements, analyses and opinions given duruing the exam (30%).
L'insegnamento si propone l'obiettivo di presentare e descrivere, in prospettiva teorico.pratica e con un approccio multidisciplinare, aspetti, temi e problemi riguardanti la comunicazione in connessione ai processi di formazione. In particolare, il corso ha l'obiettivo di mostrare, da una parte, le differenti strategie adottate dall'Unione Europea per comunicare con i suoi cittadini e disseminare la conoscenza del funzionamento delle sue istituzioni, e dall'altra, azioni e reazioni in merito di gruppi politici e società civile, attraverso un'analisi della storia delle istituzioni europee dai Trattati di Roma ai giorni nostri.
-Overview of the main theries, definition and models of communication;
- Communication strategies and training implications;
-Problems and critical issues;
-Institutional communication: models and tools;
-Communication of the European Union: objectives, strategies and tools;
-Hitorical background on the European unification process, in particular on the relationship between European institutions and European citizens;
- Methods and tools characterizing the debate on European unification and analysis of its contribution to the dissemination of knowledge on European integration.
The course is made of three parts:
1.The historical part will historically retrace the European integration process from the building of sovereign national states through the crisis of that institutional model at international level which led to the current need for a new international system and therefore for the European federation
2. The central part will retrace and describe the evolution of the European institutional system from the European communities to today's European Union with a focus on the development of its communication policies
3. The last part will analyze the communication methods and techniques adopted along the european integration process by institutional actors as well as by repreaentatives of various movements for the European union
1. Emilio R. Papa, storia dell'Unificazione europea, Bompiani, 2018.
2 Daniele Pasquinucci, Daniela preda, Luciano Tosi (a cura di), La stampa e l'integrazione europea, casa editrice CEDAM
3 Fabio Zucca, Autonomie locali e federazione sovranazionale. La battaglia del Conseil des Communes eìt Règion d'Europe per l'unità europea, Il mulino, 20213
The course objective will be achieved through friontal lessons (a total of 48 hours) that include as presentation of specific topics. Threre will be four hours of seminars.
Lecture will meet students upon previous agreement (write to by Padiglione morselli via Dunanat 3 Varese
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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.