Theories and techniques of mass communication

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (72 hours)

Prerequisites are not required

Final Examination: 


Voto Finale

The main objective of the teaching is to provide knowledge and analytical / interpretative capacity of the contemporary media ecosystem, with particular attention to large social narratives.
The course includes two areas of deepening:
- exposition and discussion of the analysis and interpretation tools of textual structures and products belonging to the cultural industry and to mass media;
- specific analysis of individual texts belonging to different media (serial fiction, television and cross media formats, advertising texts and short texts: videoclip, web series, digital advertising);
From a methodological point of view, reference will be made to the latest developments in socio-semiotics and to the essential tools of audiovisual marketing.

Among the expected learning outcomes there are:
- the ability to mediate the media texts within the socio-cultural system and to evaluate its potential for the media;
- linguistic, narrative and enunciative analysis of the text;
- the ability to insert media text into a strategic marketing perspective.

- textual adaptation to tv fiction;
- textual analysis of forms of mass communication: the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic level of the text;
- construction of imaginary and meaning encyclopedias;
- analysis of the practices of social discourse and mass media storytelling;
- social indexing of the text.

Attending students:
- A. D. Lotz, Post Network, minimum fax, Roma 2017
- J. Mittel, Complex TV. Teoria e tecnica dello storytelling delle serie TV, Minimum Fax, Roma, 2017
- G. Rossini, Le serie TV, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016

Non-Attending students:
- A. D. Lotz, Post Network, minimum fax, Roma 2017
- J. Mittel, Complex TV. Teoria e tecnica dello storytelling delle serie TV, Minimum Fax, Roma, 2017
- G. Rossini, Le serie TV, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016
- L. Hutcheon, Teoria degli adattamenti. I percorsi delle storie fra letteratura, cinema, nuovi media, Armando, Roma 2011

a text selected from:
- A. Bernardelli, Cattivi seriali, Carocci, Roma, 2016
- G. Grignaffini, A. Bernardelli, Che cos’è una serie televisiva, Carocci, Roma, 2017
- S. Martin (a cura di), La costruzione dell’immaginario seriale contemporaneo, Mimesis, Milano, 2104
- A. Grasso, C. Penati, La nuova fabbrica dei sogni. Miti e riti delle serie tv americane, il Saggiatore, milano, 2016

Attending students:
- - open questions written exam on the texts in the bibliography
- In-depth essay (ca 5 2000-character folders) concerning one of the lectures presented by the teacher (to be delivered a week before the date of appeal)

Non-Attending students:
- open questions written exam on the texts in the bibliography

The teacher receives at the end of the lessons, or by appointment arranged by mail:
