Oral test
The aim of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge in order to understand the types and characteristics of contrast media currently used in Radiology, including indications and contraindications as well as any adverse reactions
Barium contrast media.
Iodinated water-soluble contrast media:
- uro-angiographic contrast media
- CT contrast media
MRI contrast media:
- Gadolinium chelates (extra-cellular; hepato-biliary chelates)
- Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide
Ultrasound contrast media (notes)
Indications and contraindications.
Adverse reactions
P. Anelli, M. Barberio, D. Bokor - Mezzi di contrasto, storia ed evoluzione - Ed.: R. Lagalla. Radiologia, Diploma universitario per tecnici sanitari di radiologia medica - pp 189-234 (1° volume). Idelson Gnocchi Ed, Napoli 2000
Active lecture
Credits: 2
Credits: 3
Credits: 1
Credits: 1