The course is aimed at reinforcing students’ communication skills at work and giving them practice in current healthcare situations. The focus on medical vocabulary will also help them read scientific journals and textbooks more fluently keeping up-to-date with the latest advances in Nursing.
Nursing topics: the nurse’s job- hospital departments- welcoming a patient on admission- checking a patient’s identity (ID) bracelet- describing parts of the body- using equipment to take patient Observations- caring for a patient on the ward and after surgery in the Recovery area- preparation and use of a basic trolley for sterile procedures- types of injections- how to change a catheter bag- describing wounds and changing dressings- caring for terminally ill patients, pain management- rehabilitation and mobility aids ( occupational therapy, modified utensils, walking frame, hoist, slide sheet)- diagnostic medical imaging (MRI- CT-scan, x-ray, ultrasound scan)- using IV infusion equipment- doing a blood sugar test.
Cambridge English for Nursing (pre-intermediate)
Virginia Allum and Patricia McGarr
Cambridge University Press