Basic knowledge of mathematics, including concepts of differential calculus (derivatives)
Presentation and discussion of published papers by students
The primary goal of the course is to provide the students with a deep insight on fundamentals entities and study design options of the cancer epidemiology as an observational disciplineLEARNING OUTCOMES
the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Manage the fundamental entities of Epidemiology: rates, risk and rate ratios
2. Understand the pros and cons of the epidemiological approach
3. Read and criticise an epidemiological study
4. Understand criticise a report on a clinical trial
5. Choose between different options to carry out an epidemiological study
A definition of the discipline (with examples)
Population models Basic measures of occurrence
Ecologic and analytical studies
The cohort approach
Case-control studies
Randomized clinical trials
Logistic models, data structures and analysis
Course slides and extracts provided by the teacher from:
Breslow and Day. Statistical methods in Cancer Research, IARC Lyon France
Rothman: Modern Epidemiology, LWW, 2008
Lectures with interaction with students