Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

Basic knowledge of Palaeontology and geology. Attending the paleoecology course may be useful.

The exam consists in two parts:
Written test: create a project schedule for the preparaton of a specimen
Oral test: open questions concerning the topics covered.

Voto Finale

To acquire adequate knowledge for caring and management of a fossil specimen from the finding to the final preparation for exhibition or study.2. Knowledge of laws concerning palaeontological heritage and rules concerning field work (excavation) collection, preparation and conservation and production of replicas.
Acquire the skills necessary to 1) prepare a fossil (freeing it from the rock matrix) by mechanical methods (steel needles and compressed air powered micro drills) sandblaster, 2) Restore a damaged or weathered fossil of a collection 3) Knowledge about chemical preparation.
Become able to write up a project about a restoration and preparation of a fossil

Description of the main fossiliferous deposits focused on lagerstaetten (exceptional preservation deposits); methodological difference between excavation in solid rock, laminated rocks and unconsolidated sediments. Laws and rules concerning permissions and requirements to start a field campaign. Acquisition of the skills for preparation and restoration of fossils.
Lectures: Palaeontological excavation rules and laws. Excavation methodologies according to different kinds of rock (solid, laminated, unconsolidated sediment). Tools required and operational methods. Consolidation of specimens on the field and transport to laboratory. Rues and methods of registration and storage of the specimens. Description of the different preparation methodologies.
Laboratory Mechanical preparation with steel needles and micro chisels of specimens from Lagerstaetten. Mechanical reparation with compressed air powered micro drills of Ammonites. Examples of simplified chemical preparation with acid. Bonding and consolidation of specimens: technical features of glues and resins with reference to the aims of preparation and characteristics of the fossils and of the matrix. Cleaning of specimens: washing, use of wishab sponges peelings. . production of silicon matrices and resin casts.

Documento CNR (carta di Restauro)
Teacher notes on pdf given to students at the beginning of the course.

8 hours front lesson about palaeontological excavation, preparation and restoration and laws concerning fossils.
45h hours laboratory about Mechanical preparation with needles and chisels of fossils from Lagerstaetten. Mechanical preparation with microdrill of Ammonites. Consolidation and fixing: examination of characteristics of different consolidants and resins acording to aims of preparation and fossil and matrix characteristics. Cleaning, wishab sponges, peeling, Making of silicon matrices and resin casts. Drafting of a report about a project on restoration and preparation of a fossil.

Attending laboratory is compulsory. The course will be held at the Civico Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano.
A final lesson on the field at a fossiloiferous locality is planned.