Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)

Knowledge of basic concepts of biology and chemistry is suggested.
No formal propedeuticity is required.

Final oral exam scored out of a maximum of 30 points.
The exam is based on the evaluation of the level of knowledge and comprehension of the topics covered in the course (40%), the capability of linking theoretical and practical knowledge (30%), clarity explanation of the acquired knowledge (20%) and the ability to use a scientific language proper of the environmental microbiology field (10%).

Voto Finale

The general aim is to give a basic knowledge of general microbiology and microbial ecology and more detailed information on environmental microbiology in the preservation and conservation of the environment.
At the end of the course the student will acquire the following capabilities:
- the acquisition of the scientific terminology for the communication in the environmental microbiology
- the awareness of the microbial biodiversity and metabolic potentiality in the environment
- the awareness of the importance and significance of a multiple approach that combines the use of different techniques for the study of the microbial communities in the environment
- the ability to apply the acquired knowledges in the study of the microbial processes in their natural habitats, in the preservation and conservation of the environment and in the environmental microbial technologies.

The laboratory hours and didactic visit aim to integrate the acquired theoretical knowledge with practical activities on the main microbiological techniques.

The course program covers principles of general microbiology and microbial ecology and more detailed topics of environmental microbiology with a specific attention to the microbial technologies in the preservation and conservation of the environment.

Microbial diversity: morphology and cytology of the bacterial cell. (3 hours)
Molecular taxonomy and microbial evolution. (2 hours)
Microbial growth: nutrition and microbial cultures. (3 hours)
Metabolic diversity in the prokaryotes. (4 hours)
Genetic recombination in the prokaryotes. (2 hours)
Techniques for the analysis of the microbial communities in natural environments. (2 hours)
Microbial habitats including extreme environments and extremophiles. (2 hours)
Role of the microorganisms in the principal biogeochemical cycles. (2 hours)
Interactions between microorganisms and between plants and microorganisms. (4 hours)
Wastewater treatments. (3 hours)
Bioremediation of contaminated environments. (3 hours)
Composting. (2 hours)
Bioleaching for metal recovery. (2 hours)
Microorganisms and energy and biofuel production. (2 hours)
Principles of industrial microbiology: microorganisms and industrial products. (2 hours)
Microbiology and cultural heritage: biodeterioration and biorestoration of artistic stoneworks. (2 hours)

The laboratory and didactic visit (16 hours) will provide practical knowledge of the main microbiological techniques: microscopic, culture-dependent and molecular techniques used in the study of the environmental microbial communities.

Biavati, Sorlini. Microbiologia Agroambientale, CEA. 2008.
Madigan, Martinko, Stahl, Brock. Biologia dei microrganismi, Pearson. 2012.
Wessner, Dupont, Charles. Microbiologia, CEA, 2015.
Pdf slides will be available on the e-learning platform.

56 total hours consisting of 40 hours of teleconference lectures (Varese - Como) and 16 hours of laboratory and didactic visit.
The attendance to the laboratory is mandatory. The maximum limit of absence is 25% of the total lab hours that must be agreed with the Professor and this must be documented and approved in writing.

Appointment via email Elisabetta.Zanardini@uninsubria.it
DiSAT, Via Valleggio 11, Como, floor -1