Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)

The knowledge acquired by the students at the undergraduate level, with particular regard to Earth Sciences, will be the necessary background for understanding the scientific topics dealt with during the course.

Final Examination: 
Voto Finale

This course is aimed at providing the students with state-of-the-art knowledge about the following topics, relative to volcanic geology:
• Volcanism and geodynamics;
• Volcanism and tectonics;
• Geological cartography in volcanic areas and geological mapping of volcanic deposits;
• Regional volcanology;
• Volcanic hazard and volcanic risk;
• Public perception of volcanic risk and volcanic risk communication by the media.
• Volcanic eruptions and their impact on climate.

The course contents will be developed as follows:
Introduction. An overview will be provided, illustrating the role of volcanic processes within the wider picture of Environmental Sciences.
Volcanism and geodynamics. Volcanism and its relations with plate tectonics. The Pacific Ring of Fire. The volcanic ranges in North America, Central America and South America. Volcanism in the Philippines and Indonesia. Hot spot volcanism: the Hawaiian Archipelago. Mid-oceanic ridge volcanism, combined with hot spot volcanism: the geological evolution of Iceland.

Volcanism and tectonics. Relations between volcanism and tectonic regimes, at both the regional and local level. Examples of volcanic activity associated with extensional, reverse and strike-slip tectonic regimes.
Volcanic and sub-volcanic processes. Effusive volcanic eruptions. Explosive volcanic eruptions. Intrusion of dykes, cone-sheets and laccoliths in the shallow crust: examples from Iceland, Scotland, Northern Italy, Ireland, Greece.
Volcanic edifices. Shield volcanoes; stratovolcanoes; monogenic cones; calderas; supervolcanoes: examples from Indonesia (Toba supervolcano) and the United States (Yellowstone supervolcano). Morphologic evolution of volcanic edifices. Lateral collapses at volcanoes.
Volcanic deposits. Lava flows; lava domes; pyroclastic flow deposits; pyroclastic surge deposits. Volcanic mudflow deposits (lahars). Volcanic landslide deposits.
Geological cartography in active volcanic areas. Description and field mapping of volcanic deposits; different field sampling techniques aimed at laboratory analyses.
Regional volcanology. The tectonic arrangement of volcanoes across the Italian peninsula. Volcanoes from Latium; volcanoes from Campania; volcanism in Sicily and the Aeolian Islands. Submarine volcanoes in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Volcanic hazard and risk. Volcanic monitoring and surveillance. Volcanic hazard and risk in the Neapolitan area. Public perception of volcanic risk. Volcanic risk communication: case studies from the Vesuvian and Phlegrean areas.
Volcanoes and climate. The impact of major volcanic eruptions on global climate: Laki, Iceland (1783); Tambora, Indonesia (1815); Krakatoa, Indonesia (1883); Pinatubo, the Philippines (1991). Supervolcanoes and global climate change in the geological record: the giant eruptions at Yellowstone (U.S.A.) and Toba (Indonesia).

PowerPoint slides shown during classes will be made available at the end of the course and uploaded onto the University’s E-learning platform.
MAIN TEXTBOOK: Giacometti L., Scandone R. Vulcani e Eruzioni. Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 2002.
- Rosi M., Papale P., Lupi L., Stoppato M. Tutto Vulcani. Mondadori Milano 2°ed., 2003.
- Smith R.B., Siegel L.J., Windows into the Earth. Oxford University Press, 2000.