Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Main course: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

The prerequisites are those considered by the degree course and include the main notions of anatomy, biochemistry, pathology and physiology and all the other proponed by the degree program

Oral examination

Voto Finale

general notions regarding pharmacodynamics concerning structure-action relationships, the dose-response relationship and the measurement of the pharmacological effect, the evaluation of efficacy and potency, and pharmacodynamic interactions.
The general notions regarding the pharmacokinetics and the modalities and constants of drug transfer in the body, the routes of administration, metabolic transformations, pharmacokinetic models and calculations, pharmacokinetic interactions.

1. Modalities and constants of drug transfer in the body, routes of administration, metabolic transformations, pharmacokinetic models and calculations, pharmacokinetic interactions.
2. toxicology concerning the principles of general toxicology, side effects and adverse drug reactions and their assessment, criteria for assessing the risk-benefit ratio, the mechanisms of drug addiction.
3. drug development, pharmacotoxicological experimentation and drug regulation, concerning the origin and experimentation of molecules of pharmacological interest; the characteristics, requirements and procedures for registering medicinal products; the statute of limitations. In this context the fundamental principles of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology will also be discussed.

1. pharmacokinetics concerning the modalities and constants of drug transfer in the body, routes of administration, metabolic transformations, pharmacokinetic models and calculations, pharmacokinetic interactions.
2. toxicology concerning the principles of general toxicology, side effects and adverse drug reactions and their assessment, criteria for assessing the risk-benefit ratio, the mechanisms of drug addiction.
3. drug development, pharmacotoxicological experimentation and drug regulation, concerning the origin and experimentation of molecules of pharmacological interest; the characteristics, requirements and procedures for registering medicinal products; the statute of limitations. In this context the fundamental principles of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology will also be discussed.

- Rossi F, Cuomo V, Riccardi C Farmacologia – Principi di base e applicazioni terapeutiche, Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino
- Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM Farmacologia, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
- Golan DE et al. Principi di Farmacologia – Le basi fisiopatologiche delle malattie, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
- Katzung BG Farmacologia generale e clinica Piccin, Padova
- Howland MD, Mycek MJ Le basi della farmacologia, Zanichelli, Bologna
- Birkett DJ Elementi di farmacocinetica, Piccin, Padova

Frontal lesson with the help of slides and scientific literature

