- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The same prerequisites of the ISLA School II year are requested.
Oral exam with multiple-choice quiz and practical evaluation for simulated scenarios
Students should acquire behaviour principles pertinent to them for emergency operations, according to international medical and surgical guidelines, purposed to know to recognize, to monitor and to treat situations at risk of life during first aid: 1. Be able to approach politrauma, shock, acute respiratory failure, 2. Be able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, 3. To know the basic principles planning security and health in disaster medicine for victims and rescuers.
-Acute respiratory failure (2 hours)
-Acute cardio-circulatory failure (2 hours)
-Adult Basic Life Support (6 hours)
-Ventricular Fibrillation and early defibrillation (2 hours)
-Asystole and PEA and transcutaneous pacing (2 hours)
-Airways control in emergency (2 hours)
-Primary survey approach for politrauma (2 hours)
-Acute poisoning (2 hours)
-First aid fractures and muscles and joints (4 hours)
-Wounds and burns, freezing (2 hours)
-Hemorrhage and tourniquet use (2 hours)
-Loss of consciousness and seizures (2 hours)
-Bites and punctures of the animals (2 hours)
-Principles of planning in disaster medicine (12 hours)
-Extrahospital rescue and the hospital respond to disaster (12 hours)
“Urgenze ed emergenze - Istituzioni” Chiaranda M. Piccin editor- Padova, IV edition 2016; pages 725;
“Guida illustrata delle emergenze” Chiaranda M. Piccin editor - Padova, 2007; pages 677+ multi-medial CD-rom;
“Diagnosi e trattamento delle emergenze medico-chirurgiche” Androni B., Chiara O., Coen D., Vescovi S. - Masson editor– Elsevier Milano, 2009; pages 511;
“Emergenze medico chirurgiche” di Tiberio G. Masson editor- Milano, 2001; pages 586;
“Urgenze ed emergenze medico-chirurgiche” Agrò F. Edizioni Minerva Medica editor - Torino, 2000; pages 540;
“European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015” Resuscitation 2015, 95:1-80 (section 1); 81-99 (section 2 BLS adult and automated external defibrillation)”
-Direct lectures with projection of slides and multi-medial video
-Training skill practices on simulator manikins to optimizing performances in first aid and advanced life support scenarios
Students reception to be agreed by mail appointment at the address:
Credits: 3
Credits: 3