Local history
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The students will have to know italian history from the pre-roman period to present day. The comprehension of the specific local situation cannot exclude the contextualiation in the Grand Histoire. the knowledge of the history of the italian arts is also essential, because the images:”...sono inseparabili dall'argomento del testo [e del corso], ma, più che illustrarlo, svolgono lo stesso argomento con mezzi espressivi diversi: l'immagine visiva viene usata come documento storico" (F.A. Yates, Astrea, L'Idea d'Impero nel Cinquecento, Torino, Einaudi, 1978).
Oral exams during which the students will have to demonstrate mastery of the concepts covered in the course, personally interpreted and exposed with precise language. Active participation during class and the fulfillment of the above mentioned requirements will contribute to the final mark
The course aims to provide in-depth notions on minor political entities in northern Italy, from a historical, artistic and monumental perspective. At the end of the course the student will have the appropriate tools to make autonomous researches in order to plan touristic-cultural events, as well as to perform the activity of tourist guide.
In the last few years the course has analyzed, each time in detail, the complex reality that Cesare Mozzarelli described as padan micro-states (small political entities born on the Po river), developed from the end of the Middle Ages till the French Revolution. The course of this year analyzes the history of Ravenna from the theodosian dinasty (IV century A.D.) to the "bishop-counts" (ottonisch-salisches Reichskirchensystem) of the XI century. In the second module we will study the history of Como from the preroman settlement to the XVII century
G. Ravennati, La caduta dell'impero romano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012
C. Rizzardi, Il mosaico a Ravenna. Ideologia e arte, Ante Quem, Bologna, 2011
P. Fabbri, Conoscere Ravenna, Edizioni del Girasole, Ravenna, 2006
E. M. Peron, Storia di Como, Edizioni biblioteca dell'immagine, Pordenone, 2017
classroom-taught lessons with the support of documents provided during class.
Attending students, can contact the teacher via eLearning, as well as during the office hours.
Degree course in: TOURISM MANAGEMENT
Degree course in: TOURISM MANAGEMENT