Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (55 hours)

Critical approach to media representations

Final Examination: 

The exam is oral and to be done in the pre-fixed dates. It regards studies comprised in the bibliography, what done during the lectures, what watched during them and the project developed in the third part of the course.

Voto Finale

The course consists of three parts: the first examines history, genres and languages of photography, cinema and TV as a whole and as the result of culture and technology development; the second part focuses on storytelling, generally and specifically in its application to tourism, with regards with story-building, character-building and the social construction of the territory.
The two parts will merge in the third part, when students will produce a promotional campaign regarding tourism, via Facebook, PowerPoint or other media tools.
Among the learning outcomes, there are:
1) comprehension of the historical development of visual language; 2) knowledge of mediascaoe's current trends; the ability to assess visual projects: the ability to produce these projects creatively.
Generally, the student is requested to be aware of the links between historic, theoretical and cultural elements, adopting a critical approach to media production and its real aims.

Part 1
History and languages of photography, film and tourism.
(Human beings' need for forms of storytelling, the differences between visual language and other languages, the origins and the historical development of photography, film and television, their genres from Hollywood to European cinema, from the BBC to commercial TV, etc., focus on Nazi and Fascist propaganda, world wars; nation-building, multimodality, audiences, the digital revolution.

Part 2
Storytelling, storytelling of territory, narrative structures; Plato, Aristotle ans storytelling; storytelling based on real events; marketing and storytelling; storytelling and tourism; digital storytelling.

Part 3
Production of promotional campaigns relating to tourism and territory.


• Gorman, Lyn e McLean, David (2011) Media e società nel mondo contemporaneo, Il Mulino, Bologna. SONO ESCLUSI I CAPITOLI 1 (STAMPA), 3 (RADIO) E 4 (PUBBLICITA').
• Coluzzi, Claudio (2015) Comunicare il territorio nell'era digitale, Edizioni, Scientifiche Italiane.

Slides will be available on the website, on the e-learning page.

Lectures and projection of films and visual material. Interactive modalities enable students to be active and to participate in the construction of knowledge.
Roughly, the first part will last 28 hours, the second one 17, the third one 10.
Slides will be available on the website in order for the student to prepare for the exam. .

Professor Buscemi is available after lectures for appointments to be fixed via email.
