Knowledge of the English language sufficient to understand the scientific articles that will be commented during the course.
Oral examination.
The course provides basic knowledge on bio-nano interactions and aims to stimulate students to critical reading of international literature on the topics discussed in the course.
During the course, the interactions between the "Nano" world and "bio" one will be studied. An introduction will allow students to familiarize themselves with the topic and ask a series of questions to which we will try to respond with the help of the available scientific publications.
We will ask whether nanotechnologies can only be used in specialist contexts, if and how much attention is to be paid to the spread of nanomaterials, what we really mean by "nano" and what is so special in the "nano" world. We will talk about the interactions between "nano" and "bio", wondering if nanoparticles enter into the cells and how they enter, if they cross biological barriers such as the hemato-encephalic or hemato-testicular barriers. While stressing the development of Nanotoxicology, we will discuss the difficulties encountered in the application of cytotoxicity testing to nanomaterials.
We will also explore the possibility of using nanoparticles in medicine, a possibility so promising to have coined the term "Nanomedicine". We will therefore give some examples of "nanoantibiotics" and "nanoenzymes".
To answer these questions, during the course, articles will be suggested that students will read and comment in the classroom.
The PDF files of the scientific articles that will be reviewed and discussed in the classroom will be made available to students before the lesson.
Front lessons, student presentations and their discussion in the classroom.
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