- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The teachings of previous years, particularly those concerning the dental anatomy and the characteristics of the materials used in dentistry, will provide students with a conceptual heritage useful for addressing the themes proposed in the course.
The exam consists of an oral test.
Questions will be asked to the student, both wide-ranging and more specific, one of which is chosen (chosen at the moment by the teacher from a list of at least five freely proposed by the examining). The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives, evaluating the level of knowledge and in-depth analysis of the topics addressed.
Provide students with theoretical and practical notions in the Restorative Dentistry field (Conservative Dentistry). Starting from Cariology (i.e. the causes of the carious pathology), one proceeds towards the principles of diagnosis, adhesion and isolation of the operative field. Therefore direct and indirect conservative operative techniques will be treated in detail, both in the anterior and posterior areas.
The acquisition of the different knowledge and skills expected will develop in parallel throughout the teaching, which will cover the following topics:
- Cariological approach to carious pathology, with particular reference to the personalized assessment of caries risk and to the methods for modifying the pathological factors responsible.
- Principles of cariological diagnosis and documentation
- Principles of adhesion and characteristics of materials
- Direct restoration techniques of the posterior areas
- Direct restoration techniques of the anterior area
- Indirect restoration techniques
AAVV. “Odontoiatria Restaurativa - procedure di trattamento e prospettive future”, Masson-Edra editore. Pdf of scientific articles, videos and photographs will be available through multimedia platforms
The full program will be achieved through lectures for a total of 50 hours, in which practical exercises of diagnosis, documentation, isolation of the operating field and realization of direct restorations will also be organized.
Student will be received by appointment