Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Scientific knowledge of courses attended during the previous years is considered useful, in particular general concepts of statistics

Final Examination: 

The final examination consistes in an oral test

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide the students with:
- the knowledge in terminology, methods and instruments in the fields of hygiene, epidemiology and public health
- the capacity to develop a scientific methodological approach, using the learned concepts, to participate in planning and doing prevention programs

1. Basic concepts of epidemiology, hygiene and public health: concept of health; current epidemiological background and classification of diseases; concept of risk; indicators, exposure-effect, determinants of health and illness; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
2. Methods in epidemiology: epidemiological measures; observational studies, trials, systemaic reviews and meta-analyses; confounding and bias
3. Concept of nutrition epidemiology: dietary questionnaires, the EPIC study
4. Concept of genetic epidemiology: polymorphisms, haplotypes, candidate gene studies and genome wide association studies
5. Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases: risk factors; source and reservoir of infection, portal of entry and exit, mode of transmission; primary prevention (vaccines, disinfection and sterilization)
6. Prevention of healthcare-associated infections: hand washing, gloves, instruments management, environmental controls, water, healthcare waste management
7. Environmental public health: physical and chemical pollutants and environmental compartments; the example of the dental amalgama; nutrition and oral health
8. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases: epidemiology and prevention of periodontal disease, epidemiology and prevention of caries
9. Health education: intervention planning; methodology
10. Screening programs
11. Healthcare management: healthcare systems, financing, management models, clinical governance; healthcare quality and risk management, evidence-based practice, bibliographic databases (exercise)
12. Clincal research in Dante: Pier delle Vigne.

KJ Rothman, S Greenland. Modern Epidemiology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia, 1998

Epidemiologia e Management in Sanità – Elementi di metodologia, II edizione 2015. Manzoli L, Villari P, Boccia A. Edi-ermes

Igiene e Sanità Pubblica – I fondamenti della Prevenzione. Auxilia-Pontello, ed. Piccin, 2011

Frontal lessons

Reception hours to be arranged by mail to