To provide basic knowledge of archaeobiology, scientific developments in archaeology, and application of biological investigations to antiquarian historical studies.
The course aims to provide an overview of technical-scientific activity in the forensic field, with particular attention to the fields of legal medicine and to the potentially useful skills related to the degree course.
Paleoanthropology and study of fossil finds: birth and history of discipline, (Cuvier, Lamark, Darwin).
Paleoanthropology, from Sahelanthropus tchadensis to australopitecine forms: Analysis of fossil finds from the earliest find, 7mA to the Ardipithecus ramidus
Paleoanthropology, australopitecine forms: morphological analysis of fossil finds: anamensis, afarensis, africanus
Paleoanthropology, Homo genus: Morphological analysis of the species: Homo antecessor, Homo cepranensis, Denisova Homo, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo floresiensis Homo gautengensis, Homo georgicus, Homo habilis, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo naledi, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo rhodesiensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens idaltu.
Osteoarchaeology and physical anthropology: study and human remains (mummified, burned, skeletal). Methods for recovery and analysis of finds.
Anthropometry: metric measurement of the skeleton and calculation of bodily indices. Analysis of constitutional profiles.
Forensic Anthropology: Identify Anthropological Investigations on Remains of Judicial Interest.
Paleopathology: Analysis and recognition of pathological markers on the ancient skeleton.
Paleoradiology: identification and pathological analysis through the use of Diagnostic of Imaging, cases study.
Methods of dating: reading of archaeological stratification (natural and anthropic), dendrochronology, thermoluminescence and isotopic investigations. Presentation of the dating methods of the finds
Archeobotany: Study of ancient plant material in anthropic constraints.
Archaeozoology: study of ancient faunal remains.
Technicians' activities in the forensic field. The role of Legal Medicine: historical significance and current situation. Technical activities in the field of criminal law. Technical Activities in the field of civil law. Methodology and criteriology in forensic sciences. Crime scene inspection. Autopsy. Determination of time of death. Forensic traumatology. Forensic toxicology. Forensic genetics. Forensic microscopy. Between technical-scientific progress and "junk science". Communicating scientific informations. Application prospects. Case discussion.
G. Manzi, Il grande racconto dell’evoluzione umana. Il Mulino, 2013.
M. Licata, Questioni emergenti in osteoarcheologia. Mimesis Edizioni, 2016.
G. Fornaciari, V. Giuffra, Lezioni di Paleopatologia, Genova, 2009.
Birkhoff, J. M. (2011). Nozioni di Medicina Legale. Uno strumento per le professioni medico-sanitarie e giuridiche, Milano: Franco Angeli. Macchiarelli, L., Albarello, P., Di Luca, N. M., & Feola, T. (2005). Compendio di Medicina Legale (Seconda ed.). Torino: Minerva Medica