- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
No prerequisites are required
METHOD OF LEARNING VERIFYING FOR THE ENTIRE INTEGRATED COURSE. Oral examination, only if allowed by the integrated course President written examination with close and open answers
Course aim:
To acquire methods and tools for the evaluation of patients subjected to general or specialist surgery.
To acquire tools to prepare and put in place a rehabilitation program
To know mechanical ventilation and intensive care settings, chest therapy and cough-assistance techniques
Essential info regarding SNC surgical options, patients evaluation and classification, neuroradiological techniques and diagnostic techniques; basic surgical technique and neurological surgery in emergencies
Chest Therapy: definitions, rationale, organization and setting. Application of POMR (Problem Oriented Medical Records) to the evaluation of patients subjected to surgery and in intensive care. Clinical evaluation and pre-surgical physiotherapy. Respiratory physiotherapy in Surgery. Physiotherapy in post-surgical patients affected by abdominal, chest, cardiac and neurologic diseases. Physiotherapy in intensive care. Respiratory failure and non-invasive ventilation. Physiotherapist management in tracheostomy tube and invasive vantilation.Physiotherapist management in non-invasive ventilation. Cough clinical evaluation and cough assistance techniques.
Cerebrospinal fluid circulation
Hydrocephalus, main malformations
Intracranial Hypertension
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Head trauma
Spine trauma
Lazzeri M, Clini E, RepossiniE, Corrado A. Esame clinico e valutazione in Riabilitazione Respiratoria. Ed. Masson Milano 2006
Brivio a, Lazzeri M, Oliva G, Zampogna E. la disostruzione Bronchiale. dalla teoria alla pratica.Ed. Masson, Milano 2001
Neurosurgery for medical students
Lectures with computer and audio-visual support, practical exercises and simulation for a total of 12 hours.
General Surgery
Appointment to be arranged by e-mail
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1