Anatomy (Integrated Course of BASIC MORPHOLOGY), Physiology (Integrated Course of PHYSIOLOGY AND GENERAL PATHOLOGY), Respiratory Physiotherapy (Integrated Course of SCIENCES OF MOVEMENT AND REHABILITATION) are needed to understand the topics covered in the course.
There are no constraints on propedeuticity.
The Polmunary Rehabilitation Course is intended to provide the basis for evaluating and treating patients with respiratory disease based on international guidelines in line with Evidence Base Medicine (EBM). During the course, the assessment scales and the methods of administration will be explained; how and with what tests to evaluate the patient with respiratory disease; the rationale for endurance training and resistance training and how to structure a rehabilitation treatment. The rationale for the training of respiratory muscles and how to implement the training program. The basics of mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy will be provided. It will be explained how to structure and implement an educational intervention. During lessons clinical cases will be shown and discussed.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Evaluate the patient with respiratory deseases
2. Perform a reconditioning training for patient with respiratory deseases;
3. Identify signs and symptoms of the patient with respiratory failure;
4. Identify the most appropriate treatment methods for the respiratory patient;
5. Know how to identify the correct outcome indexes;
6. Know how to give assessment and test scales
The front lessons will address the following topics:
1. Indicators of results in Respiratory Rehabilitation, guidelines and current recommendations (4h) (ppt. 01-02)
2. Strength training: Upper and lower limb strength assessment, upper and lower limb muscle training (aerobic and stenic), evaluation and training of respiratory muscles (6h) (ppt. 03-04-05)
3. Non Invasive Mechanic Ventilation (NIMV) and Oxygen Therapy (LTOT): general information about physiopathology, medical devices and their use, interfaces; long-term oxygen therapy: the key aspects in patient management with respiratory desease (2h) (ppt. 07-08)
4. Educational interventions: the importance of educational intervention; structuring and essential elements (1h) (ppt. 06)
5. Interactive discussion of clinical cases: clinical reasoning, formulation of rehabilitation goals and treatment plan. (1h)
Lessons slides and other insights materials will be provided by the teacher during lessons.
The following texts are recommended:
- Il ricondizionamento all’esercizio fisico del paziente con patologia respiratoria. Autori: ARIR – Lazzeri, Brivio, Carlucci, Piaggi. 2014 Editore: EDRA
- Esame clinico e valutazione in riabilitazione respiratoria Autore: ARIR (Associazione Riabilitatori dell'Insufficienza Respiratoria) - Lazzeri - Cl, Editore: Elsevier – Masson. Volume Unico
- Riabilitazione respiratoria di Luigi Sala. Piccin editore
- Progressioni in riabilitazione respiratoria di C. Pizzi, 2009, GLM edizioni Marrapese
- Manuale dei metodi e delle procedure fisioterapiche in riabilitazione respiratoria di Luca Bianchi, Stefano Nava, Elisabetta Zampogna edito da Pime, 2002 - La ventilazione meccanica non invasiva – Come, quando e perché di Stefano Nava, Francesco Fanfulla edito da Springer, 2010