Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

No prerequisite is required.

Final Examination: 

The exam is an oral interview, which aims at scrutinising knowledge of the main topics discussed during the class and in the reference books. The interview includes, at least, one question on each reference book and, at least, one question on the learning material uploaded and available on the e-learning platform.

Voto Finale

The course aims at developing an interdisciplinary knowledge about the mountain environment.
The mountains may be considered as natural laboratories, that have played a significant role in the emergence of different fields of reseach, and especially related to history, science and anthropology. The mountain environment actually represent a cultural heritage, which needs appropriate actions of conservation as well as promotion.

The expected results are:

- knowledge of the main historical, anthropological and scientific as well as environmental developments of the mountain environment. The emphasis will be placed on the Alps and on their natural resources;

- knowledge of the different forms of mutual interaction between history and natural sciences in the mountain environment. That will be useful to better understand the environmental, societal and economic evolution of the mountains;

- knowledge about strategies and methodologies of mountain conservation and its cultural valorisation. The analysis will focus on the Alps and Prealps;

- ability to explain the main topics of the course clearly, comparing their different interpretations critically;

- ability to explain own opinions and point of views;

- ability to deal with the discipline in an interdisciplinary perspective;

- ability to organise the learning material in an interdisciplinary perspective;

- public speaking ability, communication and analytical skills.

The course aims at introducing to some main issues about the history of mountains, and particularly focusing on the exploitation of their natural resources. The class will shed light on those wide variety of approaches (historical, anthropological, scientific) which necessary essential to study the mountains. As the course tries to point out, several issues, involving the history of mountains, come directly from environmental history.

The following topics will be discussed in the class:

- the relationships between "Man and Mountains" (mountain habitats, forms of societal organization, farming, alpine pasture) (10 hours);

- the notion of natural resource (history, development and problems). The emphasis will be placed on the Alps and Prealps (2 hours);

- mountain settlements and towns (historical problems from economic development to communication) (2 hours)

- the alpine communities from the perspective of eco-history (interdisciplinary approaches between geography, history, anthropology, economy) (10 hours);

- history of scientific research in the mountain areas, with an emphasis on the history of Natural and Earth sciences (2 hours);

- mountaineering, associationism and tourism on the mountains. Relationship between travels and science on the Alps (4 hours).

- images and representations of mountain dwellers; and communication of the idea of mountain (2 hours);

- demography, emigration and immigration in the Alps (6 hours);

- promotion of the mountain natural and historical heritage: industrial archaeology, museums and eco-museums (6 hours);

- introduction to some interdisciplinary knowledges which are useful to manage the mountain environmental heritage: history of natural sciences and contemporary knowledge of the mountains, environmental education and communication/popularisation (geotourism and ecotourism) (4 hours).

Some seminars could be planned in order to examine some topics more deeply.

The complete study of the following monographs is required:

- Henrik SVENSEN, “Storia delle Montagne”, Bologna, Odoya, 2013, 296 pp.

- Enrico CAMANNI, “Storia delle Alpi”, Pordenone, Biblioteca dell’Immagine, 2017, 343 pp.

Moreover, students shall study the learning material (slides and photocopies from Pier Paolo Viazzo “Comunità alpine ambiente, popolazione, struttura sociale nelle Alpi dal XVI secolo ad oggi”, Roma Carocci, 2001), which will be uploaded and available on the e-learning platform: http://elearning3.uninsubria.it/.

The course will be scheduled in 48 hours of lessons in classroom. The lessons will be supported by different learning material, such as slides, documentaries and video clips. Students will be also encouraged to interact each other and with the teacher during the class. Some seminars may be arranged in order to examine some topics more deeply.

For any query or request about the course, send an e-mail to: a.candela@uninsubria.it