To develop appropriate knowledge of the standard electrocardiogram and electrocardiographic monitoring with focus specifically on cardiac arrhythmias and pacing
Standard rest electrocardiogram, Holter monitoring, and continuous electrocardiographic monitoring (including effort stress test). Normal electrocardiogram and alterations in the main cardiovascular diseases. Supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias: pathophysiology, electrocardiographic pattern and clinical presentation. Disturbances of cardiac excitation and conduction (sinus node dysfunction, atrioventricular block, bundle branch blocks): electrocardiographic pattern and their clinical implications. Cardiac pacing: classification of the devices, their functions, implantation procedures, paced electrocardiogram
-Costantini M, L’elettrocardiogramma: dalle basi fisiologiche alla facile interpretazione. Mc Graw Hill third edition, 2012
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