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Basal principles of general surgery. Knowledge of the essential slight of general pathology, with particular attention to the physiopathological and pathogenetic aspects.
1. General surgery – Basal principles
2. Laparotomy and laparoscopy
3. Postoperative complications
4. Surgical wounds
5. Breast diseases
6. Oesophageal cancer: clinical aspects and therapy
7. Gastric and duodenal cancer: clinical aspects and therapy
8. Colo-rectal cancer: clinical aspects and therapy
9. Pancreatic cancer: clinical aspects and therapy
10. Hepatic and biliary pathologies: clinical aspects and therapy
11. Hernia: clinical aspects and therapy
12. Thyroid pathologies
13. Abdominal trauma
14. Obesity
R. Dionigi. Chirurgia. Basi teoriche e chirurgia generale - Chirurgia specialistica vol.1-2. Ed. Edra, Milano, 2017