Epistemology and philosophy of communication

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

The teachings of the three-year curriculum, in particular the linguistic, historical, scientific and communication constitute the conceptual heritage essential in order to tackle the issues proposed in the course.

Final Examination: 

It is the only scheduled final oral examination during which you will:

- The ability to adequately understand the reading of a text;

- Adequate knowledge of exam papers;

- The ability to develop their own self-critical reflection.
The exam consists of an oral examination to evaluate the assessment of the acquisition and understanding of the contents of the texts that will be studied in its entirety: the contents of each volume will be raised two questions. There is an assessment of the ability of critical analysis of interdisciplinary and independent judgment on the main topics of the course (two questions). It will also be expected to know of the topics covered in class (at least 1 question). The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the responses (70%), as well as the skill of communication shown during the interview (10%) and the ability to adequately justify statements, analyzes and opinions (20%).

Voto Finale

The course aims to define and analyze the epistemology which hermeneutics of knowledge in order to understand the role and function of communication in the dynamic growth of knowledge. To develop this approach will consider the history of critical rationalism Western Europe, with particular reference to the discussion of the problem of meaning, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic and philosophy of mathematics. Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of some epistemological texts, with the aim of seizing the essential lines, the development of various conceptual forms, the explanation of the various categories, the analysis of scientific language and its organization on the basis of an in-depth analytical and critical path.
Among the expected learning outcomes are reported are the following:

- Acquisition of conceptual notion of epistemology;

- Ability to critically read a text, inserting it into its precise epistemological context;

- Ability to explain the different traditions of thought exist within the presentation of a particular theoretical proposition;

- Ability to understand the perspective of the historical-critical transcendentalism;

- Ability to develop epistemology as the meta-critical reflection;

- An understanding of the present open problems within the texts studied;

- Ability to independently apply this knowledge in order to start their own meta-reflection and self-criticism, to be applied to the open problems of contemporary

analysis of the relationship between common language and philosophical language
- Bachelard’s epistemological vocabulary ;
- The Bachelard’s rationalism in the European context;
- The cultural value of science
- Bachelard’s epistemology: value and limits

It required the study of the following texts:
- Gaston Bachlard, Saggio sulla conoscenza approssimata, traduzione e cura di Enrico Castelli Gattinara, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2016
- Gaston Bachelard, La fiamma di una candela, trad. it. di Marina Beer, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1981; oppure trad. it. di Guido Alberti SE, Milano 1996

One of the following texts to choose from:
- Gaston Bachelard. L’impegno razionalista, ed. it. a cura di Francesca Bonicalzi, Jaca Book, Milano 2003
- Gaston Bachelard, Il nuovo spirito scientifico, Prefazione di Ludovico Geymoant e Pietro Redondi, Laterza, Bari 1978
- Francesca Bonicalzi, Leggere Bachelard: le ragioni del sapere, JacaBook, Milano 2007
- Gaspare Polizzi, La filosofia di Gaston Bachelard. Tempi, spazi, elementi, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2015

The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through the ways of the lectures (for a total of 64 hours) that provide for the individual and collective discussion of the texts of the classics made in direct reference.

It carries on Wednesday, from 16 to 18, at the headquarters of the International Centre Insubrico, located on the second floor of the College Cattaneo, on the campus of Bizzozero. It is advisable to make direct contact with the instructor via e-mail to arrange a specific time, in order to shorten the waiting time.
