Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques

Academyc Year 2021/2022
First cycle degree in Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques

L/SNT3 - Class Of First Degrees In Technical Healthcare Professions
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: DE PONTI ROBERTO

Year: 2

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Tecnici della fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria e della perfusione cardiovascolare -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

At the end of the course graduates in Cardiocirculatory and cardiovascular perfusion techniques will demonstrate the ability to:

- Apply the ethical principles in their profession.

- Assume responsibility for their actions during the practice, in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

- Recognize the differences in skills and responsibilities between graduates and other health professionals.

- Demonstrate initiative and independency strictly connected to their work.

Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results: lectures, guided reading and application of critical analysis models, case discussion in subgroups with presentations in plenary sessions, Traineeships supervised by a tutor in different contexts and with a gradual acquisition of independence and responsibility, debriefing sessions to meditate on and re-elaborate experiences of professional practice.

The results will be assessed through:

- Written and oral examinations, test cases in stages;

- Feedback evaluation during the traineeship (through portfolio, structured assessment sheets and clinical reports on professional practice);

- Objective structured exam (flowchart blocks).

Communication skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Cardiocirculatory and cardiovascular perfusion techniques will demonstrate the ability to:

- Establish professional relationships and collaborate with other health professionals thus recognizing the peculiarities of the different professional roles;

- Demonstrate effective communication skills towards users and other professionals;

- Guide employees and students, delegate and supervise the assistance activities provided by others and ensure compliance with quality standards and planning security and care management;

- Communicate effectively in oral and written ways the evaluations and technical-assistance decisions inside interdisciplinary healthcare teams;

- Work with the healthcare team to implement the application and development of protocols and guidelines;

- Communicate effectively with patient’s families and other professionals to provide the best healthcare.

Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:

- Lectures, videos and critical analysis of films, simulations, stories, evidences;

- Discussion of cases and paradigmatic relational situations in subgroups with presentations in plenary sessions;

- Traineeship supervised by a tutor with experience in different contexts with debriefing sessions to meditate on and re-elaborate experiences with patients and inside the team.

The results will be assessed through:

- Observation of video/written frames and of dialogues with structured grids;

- Feedback evaluation during the traineeship (through portfolio, structured assessment sheets and clinical reports on professional practice).

Learning skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Cardiocirculatory and cardiovascular perfusion techniques should be able to:

• Identify and manage equipment and materials.

• Assess the technical and qualitative aspects of the equipment, the medical-surgical aids, the disposable material and their supply.

• Use the proper equipment and medical-surgical aids when it comes to the extracorporeal circulation, diagnostic hemodynamic or vicarious to cardiovascular functions.

• Assess the proper functioning of the equipment and handle the scheduling of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.

• Design the various components used in therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.

In accordance with art. 7 of the Inter-Ministerial Decree 19 February 2009, students graduate in Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques after passing a final consisting of: a practical exam and the discussion of a thesis which is worth 6 credits. The admission to the final examination requires the acquisition of all the credits required by the Course. The test is organized by decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies, in two sessions fixed at national level.