Movement science

Logo corsi di laurea in Scienze motorie
Academyc Year 2023/2024
First cycle degree in Movement science

L-22 - Class Of First Degrees In Physical Excercise And Sport Sciences
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: MORIONDO ANDREA

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Animatori turistici e professioni assimilate -
  • Guide ed accompagnatori naturalistici e sportivi -
  • Istruttori di discipline sportive non agonistiche -
  • Organizzatori di eventi e di strutture sportive -
  • Allenatori e tecnici sportivi -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

Graduates know how to judge: * the appropriateness of motor activity or training programmes based on age, gender, objectives and physical condition of the specific users; * the technical and hygienic-health adequacy of the sports facilities and equipment for performing the specific motor activity and sports programmes; * the severity of any accidents or signs of acute pathology which occur during performance of the activities and the need to get prompt medical attention; * the occurrence of situations of distress and the desire to drop out of the users. Independence of judgement is acquired mainly through interactive and practical academic work; the use of peer seminars is also planned with the assistance of professors and/or tutors. Results of learning related to independence of judgement will be mainly assessed through in-course tests or reports on the work experience activities or activities for small groups.

Communication skills: 

Graduates possess the following skills: * summarise and report the contents acquired in the academic programme or from reading scientific texts and articles, including independently; * use correct and appropriate language when dialoguing with subjects of different ages, abilities, gender and social-educational background; * motivate, involve, and reassure individual and group users during all phases of motor and sports activities; * use appropriate technical terms for the various types of motor activities or various sports. Foundation and course-specific psychology and pedagogy lessons will particularly contribute to acquiring communication skills. The expected results related to judgement communication skills will be primarily assessed through the organisation of lessons and peer seminars with the assistance of the professors and/or tutors. Communication skills will also be assessed during the final examination.

Learning skills: 

Graduates have: * gained interest in the acquisition of knowledge as a means for enriching their professionalism; * developed the motivation to keep constantly updated; * become open to integration and ability to deduct from technical knowledge and humanistic knowledge; * acquired awareness of the available options for further study and motivation to undertake such study. Learning abilities will be assessed through in-depth study on the treated subjects at lessons and peer seminars with the assistance of professors and/or tutors with assessment of the practical skills acquired during work experience activities, preparation of short papers in the work experience activities and the preparation and discussion of the final examination.

La prova finale consiste nella esposizione e discussione in seduta pubblica di un elaborato, redatto in lingua italiana finalizzato a dimostrare l'acquisizione di specifiche competenze scientifiche in ambito motorio e la capacità di elaborazione critica. L'elaborato potrà riguardare un argomento di una delle discipline del CdS o anche fasi del tirocinio effettuato. Per la redazione dell'elaborato lo studente avrà la supervisione di un docente del corso di studio. I criteri di valutazione comprendono la qualità dell'elaborato, la efficacia della presentazione, la preparazione dimostrata dal candidato per gli obiettivi formativi attesi conseguiti nel corso di studi. Nella prova finale il candidato dovrà mostrare una conoscenza approfondita e una piena maturità di giudizio nei settori che definiscono il percorso di studi scelto, e sarà valutato da una commissione costituita da docenti del CdS sulla base della preparazione scientifica del candidato, delle sue capacità di approfondimento e di integrazione tra discipline diverse, del suo senso critico e delle sue abilità comunicative.