
Year: 1
- FISICA, STATISTICA, INFORMATICA E RADIOPROTEZIONE - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- FUNDAMENTALS OF OBSTETRICS - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Year: 2
- CLINICAL PATHOLOGY AND ANESTHESIOLOGY - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- COMPUTER SCIENCE APPLIED TO BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESEARCH - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- DELIVERY CARE AND OBSTETRIC-GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- ELECTIVE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 2 - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION AND ENDOCRINOLOGY - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PEDIATRIC AND NEONATAL SCIENCES - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PROFESSIONAL AND IN-DEPTH ACTIVITIES 2 - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PROFESSIONAL LABORATORY 2 - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PROFESSIONAL TRAINEESHIP 2 - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- PUBLIC HEALTH - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
- SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH - Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Year: 3
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
- Professioni sanitarie ostetriche -
All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:
For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:
At the end of the course graduates in Obstetrics will demonstrate independent judgment through the following skills:
- Adapt obstetric care grasping users similarities and differences thus considering values, ethnicities and socio-cultural practices of the patients.
- Analyze health service policies and operating practices thus identifying the proper obstetric practices that reflect legal, political, geographical, economic, ethical and social influences.
- Use critical thinking to deliver a personalized and safe obstetric care.
- Integrate knowledge on cultural diversity, legal aspects, ethical principles when delivering and managing obstetric care in the different contexts and health/social services.
- Assume responsibility for their actions during the practice, in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
- Recognize the differences in skills and responsibilities between graduates and other health professionals.
- Deliver obstetric care in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
- Act responsibly and ensure coherence as to ethical and legal standards.
Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:
- Lectures;
- Guided reading and application;
- Videos, images, schemes and graphic materials;
- Case discussion in subgroups with presentations in plenary sessions;
- Traineeships supervised by a tutor in different contexts and with a gradual acquisition of independence and responsibility
- Debriefing sessions to meditate on and re-elaborate experiences of professional practice
The results will be assessed through:
- Written and oral examinations, test cases in stages;
- Feedback evaluation during the traineeship (portfolio, structured assessment sheets and clinical reports on professional practice).
- Objective structured exam in stages.
At the end of the course graduates in Obstetrics will have acquired the following skills:
- Use appropriate verbal/nonverbal/written communication skills towards patients and families throughout the birth path and/or towards other professionals;
- Use education and learning principles during informational sessions or specific educational projects aimed at the promotion and maintenance of health dedicated to the woman and/or the community;
- Establish professional relationships and work together with other health professionals thus recognizing the peculiarities of the different professional roles and of their relations with obstetric care;
- Support and encourage patients when considering a health choice, thus strengthening coping skills and enhancing the available resources;
- Instruct through courses that accompany to the birth, to inform and support women/couples during pregnancy, delivery, postpartum and breastfeeding;
- Lead other operators and/or students, including the delegation and supervision of assistance activities provided by others and ensuring compliance with quality and security standards of the assistance planning and management;
- Establish, maintain and conduct therapeutic relationships in a proper way;
- Use proper strategies to promote the self-confidence, integrity and well-being of the patients;
- Use appropriate verbal/nonverbal/written language to effectively communicate evaluations and health care decisions inside the interdisciplinary health care team;
- Facilitate the assistance coordination to achieve the agreed care outcomes;
- Work together with the health care to develop and implement protocols and guidelines;
Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:
- Lectures
- Videos and critical analysis of films, simulations, stories, testimonies;
- Case discussion in subgroups with presentations in plenary sessions;
- Traineeships supervised by a tutor in different contexts with debriefing sessions to meditate on and re-elaborate experiences of professional practice both with patients and with the team.
The results will be assessed through:
- Movie-watching or written plots (dialogues) with structured grids;
- Feedback evaluation during the traineeship (portfolio, structured assessment sheets and clinical reports)
- Objective and/or simulated structured exam about the competences acquired.
At the end of the course graduates in obstetrics will have developed the following skills:
- Demonstrate self-assessment abilities as to their skills and to outline the need for further development and learning;
- Demonstrate the ability to study autonomously and to use effective and relevant evidences research methods;
- Plan, organize and develop their actions to meet with the continuous changes in knowledge and in sanitary/social healthcare needs;
- Work and share knowledge within the team work;
- Show their ability in finding the information needed to solve problems or uncertainties in the practice, thus critically selecting secondary sources (guidelines, systematic reviews) and primary sources (research studies).
Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:
- Problem-based learning (PBL);
- Use of contracts and self-learning plans in order to empower one’s training/self-assessment planning ability;
- Laboratories in research methodology of online and printed literature;
- Guided reading to the critical evaluation of the scientific and professional literature both in Italian and English.
The results will be assessed through:
- Project-work, reports on specific research tasks;
- Tutorial supervision over the traineeship path;
- Lively participation in working and debriefing sessions;
- Punctuality and quality in papers presentation.
Students graduate in Obstetrics after passing a final exam which takes place in two sessions: October-November and March-April . The final exam consists of a written paper a test to evaluate the technical and practical skills acquired. The written paper will be previously evaluated by an appointed internal commission that, before the expiry of the final exam admission application date, will examine the judge the papers as suitable or unsuitable. Students may produce the written paper in English.