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Academyc Year 2023/2024

LM-77 - Management
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: ONETTI ALBERTO

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Specialisti della gestione nella Pubblica Amministrazione -
  • Specialisti della gestione e del controllo nelle imprese private -
  • Specialisti in risorse umane -
  • Specialisti dell’organizzazione del lavoro -
  • Specialisti in contabilità -
  • Specialisti nell’acquisizione di beni e servizi -
  • Specialisti nella commercializzazione di beni e servizi (escluso il settore ICT) -
  • Analisti di mercato -
  • Specialisti dei sistemi economici -
  • Specialisti dell'economia aziendale -
  • Ricercatori e tecnici laureati nelle scienze economiche e statistiche -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

In the two years in which the course is articulated, and in particular in the context of various characterising courses, master students will have the possibility to attend both work group and independent work in which students will be called upon to face and solve real business cases (with different problems each time) by applying the most appropriate specialist managerial tools or interpret complex economic phenomena through the use of qualitative-quantitative methodologies. In addition to analysing complex problems, students will be called upon to formulate critical judgments independently on the basis of information that is often limited or incomplete and to develop reflections that are also ethical in nature or that have an impact on the community. The discussion in the classroom of the results obtained by each group and/or individual will represent a very important moment of discussion and debate for students and teachers, who will have an opportunity to assess the students' interpretative capacity and autonomous judgement/analysis. Another central moment in the student's training is represented by the preparation and discussion of the final exam, in which the student will be asked to express a critical opinion on a subject chosen and agreed upon with one of the teachers of the degree course. The importance of the student's expressive ability and independent judgement in this course is amply demonstrated by the large number of credits assigned to the final examination. The possibility of internships in companies and economic organisations and the possibility to have a debate during the Master course will also allow students to make an initial assessment of their abilities and the skills required by the labour market.

Communication skills: 

The students and therefore the graduates of this Master course must be able to communicate their professional profile, their ideas, their personal approach to the problems of business management and complex economic phenomena to both specialists and non-specialist interlocutors - with clarity of expression and language property in one or more languages of the European Union. A key element in the design of this Master course is the teaching in English. In a world that is characterised by increasing globalisation, where the current dimension of competitive phenomena is increasingly based on the local-global binomial, structured opportunities for contact between students and the industrial reality of the Insubria region and of other Italian regions and other countries represent an important element of the educational path. A better knowledge of the economic-business language in English, too, can only facilitate a "global/international" approach to these issues, as well as facilitating the student's access into the world of work, where a perfect knowledge of the English language is increasingly a basic characteristic required of new graduates. In order to encourage this "open-mindedness" to the process of internationalisation of companies and national economies, students are offered the possibility of acquiring a double degree through the aforementioned agreement with the German University of Jena (and others currently being defined) and the opportunity to stay abroad (Erasmus and bilateral partnerships) at universities - European and non-European - with which the University has developed/will develop exchange agreements. The presence of foreign students in the classroom will also stimulate the use of languages other than Italian and the exposure to different cultural models. The presence offoreign students in the class will also stimulate the use of languages other than Italian and the exposure to different cultural models. The development of communication skills will benefit from the development of group or individual work, which will then be presented in the class also through the use of graphic supports, such as power point presentations. These communication skills will be tested by the evaluation of the various tests at the end of each course, as well as in the preparation of the final dissertation. The possibility of internships in companies, public and private economic organisations or in-house will also allow students to gain experience with the languages and contexts of work during the Master course.

Learning skills: 

At the end of the two years Master course, students must have acquired learning skills that will enable them to place themselves in a leadership position in the workplace or to continue their studies independently. In assessing the learning capacity that students have developed in the course of their studies (in all areas), it is implicitly intended to assess their ability to analyse independently and critically. This evaluation will take place at the end of each course by means of tests in which the student's understanding of the training material provided for the final examination and of the recommended readings for in-depth technical studies will be assessed. In particular, the incentive to an in-depth study of the topics of the study plan can then help the Master graduate students also in his or her working life. The ability to find solutions to the various problems connected with daily company management or the interpretation of economic phenomena can only arise from the aptitude for research and in-depth study developed during university studies and, above all, thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the course itself.

La prova finale della laurea magistrale consiste nella discussione dell'elaborato in presenza di una commissione composta da almeno 7 docenti e presieduta da un Professore di prima fascia di ruolo nel Dipartimento. La tesi di laurea sarà redatta e discussa in inglese. All'interno di tale Commissione il Direttore individua, per ogni studente, un Correlatore.
La tesi può essere chiesta a qualsiasi docente o ricercatore del Dipartimento, nell'ambito del Piano di studi seguito e degli insegnamenti attivati. L'argomento viene concordato tra relatore e candidato. Qualora lo studente si rivolga ad un Docente di un insegnamento non previsto nel Piano di studi, può presentare una richiesta alla Commissione Paritetica che verifica la coerenza didattica tra la prova finale proposta e il piano di studi. Per gli studenti che opteranno per il percorso formativo che porta alla laurea con doppio titolo, tramite la permanenza per un anno accademico intero presso l’Università partner, sarà possibile anche svolgere la tesi con un docente di tale Università.