Funded Research Projects
Here you find the research projects currently underway and funded on local, national and European competitive calls.
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For ERC sectors we have chosen, at this time, to indicate only the three main areas with their respective codes.
Life Sciences (LS)
- NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies
- ORIGIN - Optical Fibre Dose Imaging for Adaptive Brachytherapy
- AquaIMPACT - Genomic and nutritional innovations for genetically superior farmed fish to improve efficiency in European aquaculture
- HOTZYMES: Redesigning biocatalysis: Thermal-tuning of one-pot multienzymatic cascades by nanoactuation
- PRIMATE - An integrated precision medicine approach to malignant mesothelioma: from mutation load to epidemiology and therapy
- Dissecting serine metabolism in the brain
- HY-TEC. Hybrid ThermoElectric Composites: Proof-of-concepts for low-T, n-type and flexible thermoelectrics
- RNASET2 as new player in the modulation of the innate immune system in cancer and autoimmunity: potential diagnostic and therapeutic implications
- SOUP: Signaling the Organelle Unfolded Protein response
- Host-breast tumour microenvironment: study of key molecules secreted by stromal and tumour cells and their role on the modification of extracellular matrix, with special attention on hyaluronan and on the enhancement of breast cancer progression
- Myeloid Neoplasms: an integrated clinical, molecular and therapeutic approach
- Prostate cancer: disentangling the relationships with tumor microenvironment to better model and target tumor progression
- Characterization of the therapeutic potential of neurosteroids for CDKL5-Disorder
- Why adolescent Cannabis abuse is detrimental to brain maturation? Focus on sex difference
- Recruiting and training physicians-scientists to empower translational research: a multilevel transdisciplinary approach focussed on methodology, ethics and integrity in biomedical research
- GE.RI.KO.MERA - Gestione risorse idriche ed ambienti acquatici in comune – Il bacino del Fiume MERA
- Parchi Verbano Ticino
- Archeogenomica in Lombardia: un patrimonio territoriale da valorizzare. Dallo scavo dei reperti allo studio del DNA
- Studio e valorizzazione del sagrato della chiesa di S. Biagio in Cittiglio: analisi antropologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei resti umani. Ultima fase
- CABALA - CirculAting Bile Acids as biomarkers of metabolic health - Linking microbiotA, Diet and Health
- INSIDE project: INdividual air pollution exposure, extracellular vesicle SIgnaling and hypertensive disorder DEvelopment in pregnancy
- RESACC - Risposte di ecosistemi sensibili alpini ai cambiamenti climatici
- The role of tandem repeats in neurodegenerative diseases: a genomic and proteomic approach
- Thyroid cancer and cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules: new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for a more precise patient tailored medicine and a more sustainable management of a disease with a great social impact
- Cambiamento climatico e Ecosistemi criotici nell’Antartide Continentale - PNRA2016
- CHITOBIOCONTROL - Production of novel metagenomics-sourced chitinases as biocontrol agents for integrated pest management (IPM)
- FRAMYEVO - Amyloidogenesis, an highly evolutionary conserved mechanism, as contribution to inflamm-aging and frailty syndrome
- CLARISSIMO - Studio e messa a punto di nuovi processi biocatalizzati per la modifica e produzione di antibiotici
- L'arte cimiteriale della chiesa medievale di Sant'Agostino di Caravate: studio e valorizzazione del sito. Analisi archeologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica di resti umani
- Patogenesi e prevenzione dell'infezione secondaria da citomegalovirus
- Risposte maladattative dello stress: studio dei meccanismi che le regolano per identificare nuovi bersagli terapeutici nelle malattie neuropsichiatriche
- Therapeutic potential of pregnenolone and its synthetic non-metabolized derivative for CDKL5 disorder.
- 4F - Fine Feed For Fish
- MYSUSHI - Microalgae and Yeasts SUStainable fermentation for HIgh quality fish feed formulation
- Cells Therapy COntrolled RElease Carrier (Cells Therapy CORE Carrier): Carrier a rilascio controllato per terapia cellulare (Cells Therapy CORE)
- GLYCANC - Matrix glycans as multifunctional pathogenesis factors and therapeutic targets in cancer
- INBIOPROFEED - Insect Bioconversion: from vegetable waste to Protein production for fish Feed
- GlocalERC: Ricercatori di successo internazionale per la ricerca lombarda
- HEPAVAC - Cancer Vaccine development for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE)
- ORIGIN - Optical Fibre Dose Imaging for Adaptive Brachytherapy
- CONCORDIA: Cyber security cOmpeteNce fOr Research anD Innovation
- HY-TEC. Hybrid ThermoElectric Composites: Proof-of-concepts for low-T, n-type and flexible thermoelectrics
- Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems
- ATTRACT: In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams (Random Power)
- Tumor-targeting peptidomimetics: synthesis and bio-medical applications
- HYPATIA - Romancing the stone: size-controlled HYdroxyaPATItes for sustainable Agriculture
- DSurf - Scalable Computational Methods for 3D Printing Surfaces
- SYSMICS - Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics
- New frontiers in numerical methods for astrophysics
- GlocalERC: Ricercatori di successo internazionale per la ricerca lombarda
- MAGIC BULLET - Peptide-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Delivery in Tumor Therapy
- CORCON - Correctness by Construction
Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)
- HAPPY - Health, Accessibility, Public transport Policies for elderlY
- Recruiting and training physicians-scientists to empower translational research: a multilevel transdisciplinary approach focussed on methodology, ethics and integrity in biomedical research
- A.Ge.Vol.A. – Assistenza, GEstione, VOLontariato, Anziani. Strumenti multilingui per l’assistenza agli anziani
- Archeogenomica in Lombardia: un patrimonio territoriale da valorizzare. Dallo scavo dei reperti allo studio del DNA
- Studio e valorizzazione del sagrato della chiesa di S. Biagio in Cittiglio: analisi antropologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei resti umani. Ultima fase
- COnTatto: trame riparative nella comunità
- F-A-S-I Formazione -Accompagnamento - Sensibilizzazione - Inclusione
- L'arte cimiteriale della chiesa medievale di sant'agostino di caravate: studio e valorizzazione del sito. Analisi archeologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica di resti umani
- Studio e valorizzazione del sagrato della chiesa di San Biagio in Cittiglio: indagine archeologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei resti umani. Terza Fase
- ENAI - European Network for Academic Integrity
- REM - Rights, Duties, Solidarity: European Constitutions and Muslim Immigration
- LANGUAGE AND LAW -Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Linguistic Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law
- Studio e valorizzazione del sagrato della chiesa di S. Biagio in Cittiglio: analisi antropologica delle antiche sepolture e analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei resti umani. Seconda fase