n.1 departmental grant entitled "Circular economy and sustainable and innovative industrial processes..." - Project NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (Spoke 2) - DIECO2022-ADR009_MAGGI

Application deadline: 
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - 23:59
Call category: 
Departmental Research Grants
Published by: 
Dipartimento di Economia

General information

n.1 departmental grant entitled “Circular economy and sustainable and innovative industrial processes. The role of regulation policies and reverse logistics”, - Project NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (Spoke 2) - CUP J83B22000050001 – DIECO2022-ADR009_MAGGI

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Elena Maggi 


The access to the application is also allowed through SPID (Public Digital Identity System).
In the case of access to the PICA application through SPID (Public Digital Identity System), no signature will be required during the submission of the application.


Documents and annexes

For information

Dipartimento di Economia

Dipartimento di Economia <dipartimento.economia@uninsubria.it>