European Environmental Law Forum 2018 - COMO
6th EELF annual conference - Environmental loss & damage: attribution, liability, compensation and restoration
Welcome to the web page of the EELF Insubria Conference!
We have received more than 80 abstracts and are going to provide the results of the selection on May 2th. Participants are requested to register at the Conference by 30. June 2018. We are currently defining the final Conference Programme that will be available soon on this web page.
Conference e-mail:
About the Conference

The 6th EELF Annual Conference at Como, Italy, is organized by the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria, Como, with the support of the Environmental and Territorial Politics Studies Centre (ENVPOL) and the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment (FLA).
The Como Conference is going to analyse and compare the regulation of environmental loss and damage in a comparative, interdisciplinary and both in public and private law perspective. We will delve into conceptual and specific legal issues related to liability, compensation and restoration of environmental damage in different sectors and jurisdictions, and we will also take into account the contributions of economic analysis in this field of regulation.
The scope of analysis will expand to national as well as supranational and international regimes. The US, the EU, but also China, India, Mexico and Brazil as well as many other important countries have introduced specific liability regimes for environmental damage that are worth comparing also in view of possible transplants and “cross-fertilization”. Particular attention shall also be paid to the role that liability and insurance may play in terms of climate change and adaptation. This also points to the international level of transboundary and interstate liability where effective environmental liability is yet scarcely developed. Further aspects to be discussed are displayed with the subthemes (see the full call )